Thursday, September 15, 2011

Everything Has Roots.

The more that I learn about all of the philosophers that there were, the more I am astounded about how much they were able to figure out about the world. Especially without any type of scientific devices or anything of that sort. Though philosophers, Anaxagoras and Democritus were closer to the concept of seeds or atoms being the building blocks of life, many had there own perception on how and what everything was made up and of. Empedocles concluded that everything was made up of varying quantities of 4 major element. Earth, Air, Fire and Water. This idea of the 4 basic roots has been picked up by many types of people from Pagans and Wiccans to naturalists. This idea has even made it to nickelodeon and the big screen. Avatar: the Last Airbender, was a show that aired from 2005 to 2008 that took Emedocles thoughts and fantasized them. The directors used the 4 roots to separate a region into four different ethnic-type groups. Which, in each, the people could control one of the four elements. To see how the life work of Empedocles, an extraordinary thinking man, can turn into a children's show, a Blockbuster and the fact that many cultures have adopted his teachings is a pretty widespread denouement.

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