Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It's My Life

In class we have talked about the Hellenistic Periods, and they were very interesting to me. Ever since children are able to talk and learn, parents tell them that they can be whatever they want in life. Whether it is an astronaut, doctor, or president, depending on what their choices are in life and how they make those choices the possibilities are endless. Though with these expectations, children kill themselves throughout school in order to become what they want (or what their parents want for them) though, is it worth it? The Philosophy of Epicurus is very interesting, in the fact that you are almost fated to do something, and because of this why stress out and cause yourself pain when you know that whatever happens to you is supposed to happen. Epicurus strived for pleasure, even in the most painful of situations. To do this he suggested living in the day and not wasting time because there may not be a tomorrow. And even if there is a tomorrow, there is nothing after life. He did not believe in an after life of just a soul or remnants of a memory, he thought of a complete end to who you are.

There are many songs that urge people to take action, or “live like you are dying” though Epicurus didn’t want people to fear death, almost because it wasn’t worth worrying about, and that the affect of you not worrying about it would be greater than the ladder. The song “It’s My Life” yes, by Bon Jovi shows these views by stating that instead of accepting your fate or completely indulging in life’s pleasures, just make a change to make yourself a happier and better person. 

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